
Hello fellow traveler enthusiasts!

My name is Sam and I am a sophomore at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. I am an International Economics and Finance – Honors major with an Italian Studies minor.

The real question is though….why am I writing this blog?

Last semester I had the chance of a lifetime to study abroad in Rome for a full semester, which was about four AMAZING months. While I was there I gained a lot of insight and advice into being a student studying abroad in Rome, Italy.

While I had always dreamed of travelling the world, I had never actually done it before. Besides a brief trip to Guatemala my freshman year of high school, I had never traveled outside of the country, I had never been on a flight longer than four hours, and I had never gone anywhere without my parent’s supervision. Needless to say…I was a little worried.

In the months leading up to my trip I read countless books, sought out advice from multiple people, and did A LOT of research. It took me months to research all the different topics that I thought were important for studying abroad. After the countless research fiascoes I had, I decided that future students studying abroad in Rome deserved one place where they could find everything that they need and more.

I hope that you find this advice as useful as I did and I hope that you can laugh about my Roman mistakes along with me.

Enjoy Rome! Ciao belli!